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Looking For A Care Home? There’s A Better Option


Find out how you can remain in your own home, stay independent and be happy in later life with a great alternative to residential care homes.


Media reports last year revealed statistics that showed the demand for care home places will increase by three quarters in less than 20 years. That information shouldn’t be that much of a surprise when you consider our ageing population and the massive strain on the NHS and other care systems. There is a huge increase in demand for elderly care in all its forms with many people right now looking for a care home place.

But what happens if you’re one of the 97% of people that would not want to go into a care home if they became unwell and unable to care for themselves? What if you don’t want to leave your home? What if you’re looking for a care home but there isn’t a place for you locally?

Although care homes are a good choice for some people, there is a better alternative. An alternative for those who don’t want to go into a care home, for those who don’t want to move away from their local area to get a care home place, and for those who want a better quality of care in their later years.

Home care is the solution.

What Is Care At Home?

Care at home works by providing a client the support they need to remain in their own home. That could be visiting care workers who provide personal care services, or full time live-in carers providing everything from cleaning services to help with physiotherapy and medical care. The services are unique to the client and the best live-in care agencies ensure that each client is treated as an individual with individual needs.

Home care and live-in care provide so many benefits as an alternative to a residential care home, including (but not limited to):

  • A solution for NHS beds blocked by elderly people with no care home place setup
  • Help combatting the loneliness and nutrition issues common in elderly people across the UK
  • The ability for the client to stay in their own home
  • Peace of mind for family and friends
  • The possibility for couples who both need care to stay together

Can I Afford It?

The cost of a care home place, or care in your own home is individual to each person depending on their care needs and their financial status. The first thing you should do is get a care assessment so you have an idea of the level of care you need. The next step is then looking at the costs of different types of care and how it suits your personal situation. The cost of care in your own home and a residential care home place can be comparable. Our Care Funding Guidance booklet will help you get an idea of care costs based on your needs.

What’s Next?

If you are interested in receiving care at home, you’ll want to do some research into all your options. Speak to your GP, to any support workers and to your friends and family. Look into your own care needs, your financial situation and where necessary, seek independent financial advice. Everyone deserves to have a good quality later life.

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Thinking About A Care Home? The Pros And Cons
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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Maintaining your own lifestyle and routines is absolutely possible when you remain living at home – with the right support it’s absolutely possible to live well in later life in your own home!

  • Having worked in both care homes and home care – my best piece of advice is make sure you know what you are signing up to! 70% of a care home fee is in accommodation and food not care…

  • […] Thinking About A Care Home? There’s a Better Option […]

  • My parents have been married for 70 years. They have lived in the same house for 65 years. I have POA. They have dementia. My Father is 96 and my mother 92. I am a retired psychiartic nurse. We have a live in carer who is excellent. Unfortunately my father took a fall and after dialling 111, a remote Dr recommended an X ray. No big deal I thought. An Ambulance came and he wsa admitted to Royal Free. At 3.30am a Dr rang me, no harm done, he is due for discharge. However, an OT assessment demanded that he had waking night care – which is horrendously expensive (10K PCM on top of our current package) and not provided by our trust. The OT refused to send him home and reported the whole matter to Safeguarding Adults.
    Whilst the Trust myopically focussed on his mobility (we have a fully equipped house) the whole MDT team got behind the OT. No one considered the emotional impact on him of being wrenched from his home or the impact on his wife. I had to fight battles at the Trust. Whilst I recognise that he is at risk of fallnig during the night, my view, from experience of 40 years is that he is at risk anywhere – even in a nursing home or ward. Indeed he has had several falls on wards, when surrounded by staff. I consider he has a right to die in his home, a right to continue in his marriage EVEN if this means taking risk. He has a right to make unwise decisions according to the capacity act.
    I have a great fear, that the unlistening ward team will make the same decision again. Its part of the computrised risk algorithms that now replace common sense. I shall be fighting this again I am sure. People should have the right to die at home.


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