health tips for women

Health Tips For Women In Their 70s

Read our key health tips for women in their 70’s to help you remain in great shape in later life.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, being mindful of your physical and mental health is important. So many different health issues are linked to lifestyle choices, so it makes sense to have the healthiest lifestyle possible if you want to get the most out of your later years. As you age, this becomes an even more important factor as lifestyle dictates how likely you are to suffer certain conditions, and how likely those conditions are to affect your quality of life. Of course, some people are more prone to certain health problems, but lifestyle still plays a part. As an older woman, you can lead a fantastic later life, but there’s some effort required on your part to ensure that happens.

Here are our top health tips for women in their 70’s:

Get Checked Out

Your chance of getting breast cancer increases when you are over 70 and around a third of all breast cancer is diagnosed in women over 70. Go to your invited screenings, regularly check your breasts and do not be afraid to request a screening. Other cancer risks increase as you age, including ovarian cancer which is most common in women aged between 75 and 79. Do speak to your GP if you experience any symptoms that concern you and don’t be afraid to get checked out as the earlier these things are detected, the better.

Ensure Your Home Is Safe

One health concern for women aged over 70 is the home, and having a safe environment to live in. Trips and falls are a real issue in the elderly and a study by The Live-in Care Hub showed that every minute in the UK, six people aged over 65 suffer a fall and fall-related injuries. Sadly, the same study showed that a month after a fall, one in 12 people pass away, and only half return home from hospital. If your home is not a safe environment, speak to friends and family, and to your local council about getting help and support. You might also want to consider a home care service if you need support at home until you are back on your feet.

Eat Well

Your nutritional needs change as you age and eating well is so important to maintain vitality in later life. You should be eating a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals, protein, healthy carbs and fats. You can find out more information about your nutritional needs in our Guide To Good Nutrition (which also has a handy downloadable shopping list)

Keep Moving

As we age, we lose bone density and women especially are prone to this loss after the menopause. Maintaining a healthy physical regime, ensures that the bones, muscles and ligaments remain strong and flexible, so even though you have bone density loss, you’re ensuring that process is as slow as possible, and protecting yourself from the likelihood of falling and breaking anything.

You can also keep your heart healthy by maintaining a good physical regime, which is important as women tend to be more likely to have a heart attack later in life than men. Men are prone to heart attacks around 55 whereas women are more likely to have one at age 70 plus.

Stay Sociable

Whether you continue to go to local coffee groups, learn to use Skype to stay in touch with family, or join a local gardening group, keeping company is important as you age to avoid loneliness and isolation.

Remember, as a 70+ woman you can have an energetic, fulfilling later life. You do need to put the effort in to maintain your health, but the pay off is a great social life, avoiding age-related issues as much as possible, and generally enjoying a fantastic quality of life in your golden years.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Some great tips, physical and mental health is so important to enable people to have a better quality of life.


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