essential foods in old age

Essential Foods To Maintain Good Health in Old Age

For optimum health and nutritional support, read about some of the main foods to boost your well-being in later life.

Statistics from the ONS show that the population is living longer, and on average men can expect to live for 15 years after they retire, and woman can expect to live for 20 years after they retire. If you were born in 1960, statistically you could only expect to live on average, a shocking 52 years! Now the average is 72, which is definitely a better outlook for your golden years.

Despite the increase in life expectancy because of better health care and more information about keeping healthy, how long you live can still be hugely influenced by your choices in life. Your quality of life is also within your control to a certain extent, and avoiding the need for elderly care as long as possible can be influenced by your decisions.

Avoiding bad habits and exercising are both incredibly important aspects of staying in great shape.

What you eat and drink is also central to your overall health, and it is especially important as you age and your nutritional needs change.

To help you stay in great shape as you get older, put these essential foods on your shopping list:

Fruit And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are so important when it comes to the body thriving. The more naturally colourful the foods the better. The more colourful they are, the more vitamins and minerals are in the food. Think bright red peppers, rich purple blueberries, dark spinach and kale. Try to eat the rainbow and embrace frozen if fresh isn’t available to you, as it contains plenty of nutrients too.


The easiest way to get calcium is with dairy which is also a source of vitamin D which is an important vitamin for healthy bones. Milk provides lots of calcium as does cheese and yogurt. Do try and stick to low or nonfat versions to help prevent weight gain. You may also want to add in fortified cereals and plant milks for a wider variety of sources.


Wholegrains are an essential source of fibre, which is so important as you age to keep the digestive system working well. Wholegrains also provide plenty of B vitamins. You can get wholegrains from whole wheat pasta, grains or cereals, or from products like quinoa which is also a rich source of protein.


Protein is widely available in the form of tofu, legumes, nuts, beans, red and white meat, fish and eggs. Protein is important for keeping the muscles healthy but it is important to keep your sources as lean as possible to avoid weight gain and additional cholesterol.


Oily fish is the best source of omega-3 and just two servings a week will keep your levels up. You can also get omega-3 from flax seeds, seaweed, walnuts and kidney beans. Omega-3 is important for preventing heart and brain diseases so is one of the essential foods in old age. It is a very important vitamin to consume as you age as you naturally become more prone to certain conditions.

Getting older is not a guarantee for becoming infirm, especially if you do maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet. Do seek nutritional advice from your GP if you do need further guidance on adjusting your diet to suit your age, it is never too late to start eating well for your health.

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