kitten as a pet for an elderly person

Can Having A Pet At Home Combat Loneliness in the Elderly?

It is a sad fact that in our fragmented society more and more older people are reporting feelings of loneliness and isolation with associated increases in physical and mental ill-health. Many studies have been undertaken over recent years which have shown that loneliness is linked to health issues such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s Disease and depression.

According to Age UK statistics around 2 million people over the age of 75 experience feelings of loneliness and isolation from society with many going for weeks without speaking to another person. This is a heartbreaking statistic but one which could be reversed. Age UK have conducted research on what kinds of things could help to improve matters for older people through their promotion of physical and social activities and clubs. One study has concluded that pet ownership provides a number of benefits for older people including improvements to physical and mental health. A pet can be a great source of joy for older people who may perhaps have become isolated from friends and family. Pets can be important in providing emotional support, health benefits and companionship in later years.

A nation of pet owners

It’s estimated that just under half of all UK households own a pet of some kind with the most popular being of course dogs and cats with 36% of households owning at least one dog and 29% being cat owners.

It is a sad fact that as we age and physical health and mobility decline, we assume that our pet owning days are done and this can bring great sadness. Research studies have shown though that pet ownership can turn around the feelings of loneliness and despair that some can feel in their later years.

The benefits of pet ownership

The proven benefits to health of owning a pet whether a dog, cat or budgie include lower blood pressure, lower stress levels and of course the feeling of comfortable companionship, support and happiness that just interacting with an animal can bring. The greatest benefits come from the effort needed to care for them. A pet provides the perfect excuse to get up in the morning and attend to their needs. A pet is totally reliant on its owner for food, water and hygiene needs. Different pets have differing exercise requirements and of course they need interaction and companionship too. Dogs provide the best reasons for getting out and about and, as well as essential exercise dogs provide the perfect way to meet other people and socialise. Pet ownership in general is proven to be a factor in facilitating social interaction amongst all ages. The requirement for pet owners to create and maintain a care routine for a pet provides a powerful boost to happiness and self-esteem.

An older person may have concerns about taking on a pet, including worries about whether they can properly care for it. A solution could be that with help from a live-in carer who could assist with daily pet care chores and exercise, an older person can enjoy the company of a beloved pet.

carer providing palliative care at home

Health Impact of Loneliness in the Elderly

Loneliness in the Elderly

A serious problem affecting mental and physical health

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